The Light Within

My six-year-old and I spent last Saturday traveling a bit. We had a long drive and a few errands. I have no T.V. in the car, didn’t let him take a video game. The music was just low enough to hear and was playing Christmas tunes. My little guy is a big thinker. Sometimes he amazes me with the clarity of his thoughts and the wisdom and love in his heart. It all started with him saying “Mom, you know it’s not about the presents, right?” “It’s about us, we are the gift!” “The life that God has given us, that is the gift that we have and that we are supposed to be giving each other, right mom?” I was speechless for a moment. Some people go their whole lives looking to fill the void of their souls with objects, baubles, luxuries, …stuff. They never find happiness because those things don’t fill the empty spots, not for long anyway. Here I have this precious little six-year-old who gets it and it just filled my heart with joy. I said “You are right Honey, God gave us the gift of life and we are all made from God’s energy, His light, so we are all a part of God when we recognize that. We are to share that light with each other, like a puzzle, each of us are a piece of it, and when we (the world) can learn to love each other completely, we will complete the puzzle and the light will be whole again.”
He listened and then asked if Jesus was the first human to get God’s light? I explained that I don’t KNOW everything, I am learning to. I read the bible and study and pray that God teaches me what I am to know and what I am to do with my life. I explained that the bible tells us the story of creation and I proceeded to tell the story. Adam was the first human to receive God’s light, but Jesus is God’s pure light. I can imagine it is a lot for a six-year-old to take in and make sense of but he was asking so I was happy to share.
Yesterday he came home from school and told me that he raised his hand at math center to explain that Adam and Eve were the first humans and that we are all descendants. I was wondering what that had to do with the math center and he informed me that he wanted his teacher to show the class how 1 man + 1 woman can equal billions of people. YIKES…I asked him what she said and he said she just changed the subject.

I love the light within this little guy. He is always on. Always thinking, planning, and searching for his purpose.

Another conversation during that long car ride was about when he becomes a daddy. He said “When I am a dad, I’m going to go to work late each day. I want to see my kids in the morning and make them breakfast, pancakes, or whatever they love” Then he said “WAIT, I’m just going to work now, like Jeremy, and save all my money and when I’m a dad I won’t have to work. I’ll buy a hotel at Ocean City and live there with my kids. We’ll go to the beach every day!” He was quiet for a while and then said “What if I have daughters? There are no toys at Ocean City for girls.” I explained there were but he hasn’t noticed because he has only looked for the boy toys. “Oh, ok. then yes, I will live there and make breakfast and go to the beach every day with my kids.”  I pray his dreams come true. What a lovely thought.

Logan went to bed last night saying how lucky he is to have a Heavenly Father. I am so glad that he can acknowledge and appreciate The Father’s love and that he is building a relationship already. He then said “Jeremy is lucky, he had two heavenly Father’s!”  Logan thinks of Britni and Jeremy’s dad, Steve, every day and somehow during the day he mentions that Steve and Mum (his great-grandmother) are in Heaven and we are to remember them. His love has no boundaries.

When we hang the lights on the house, the tree, when we light the candles, when the fire in the hearth warms us, when we flick the switch to light a darkened room, let us all remember. Take a moment to be filled with The Light. God’s light. The perfect love that ignites and warms us. With the innocence and wide-eyed wonder of a six-year-old, let us remember that God is the gift, WE are the gift, and the light that is in each of us must be shared all year-long.

The Light Within

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